
Something to know about wedding bands and rings

If you are a person who does a lot of activity with their hands (how long does a manicure last on you?) then I would advise limiting your selection to rubies, sapphires and diamonds.A wedding band is a symbol of love and commitment of a couple towards each other; the wedding ring keeps the relation of a couple intact, no matter how far they are from each other. The ritual of using wedding bands is prevalent in almost all cultures of mankind.Article Source: Something to know about wedding bands and rings.Therefore, while softer stones can be beautiful, they aren’t the best choices for a wedding band or engagement ring. The Mohs scale registers a stone ability to resist abrasion; 10 (diamonds) is the strongest and 1 (talc) is the weakest. Anything less than a Mohs scale 7 is not recommended for an engagement ring.